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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

ALICE in Groton

ALICE in Groton

October 7, 2016

If there is ever a threat on campus, what should we do? Do we lockdown? Do we run? Do we counter? On September 15th, Detective Rachel Mead answered these questions, presenting a new, government-recommended...

More than a room

More than a room

Rohan Varkey '18 October 7, 2016

Here at Groton, dorms mostly contain the same type of rooms: normal, non-prefect singles, doubles, and triples that have the same amount of space and a similar setup. However, there are some rooms that...

The Curious George Store

Guide to “Surprise” Holiday

Min Shin '18, Assistant Features Editor September 13, 2016

As students and faculty return to the Circle after a long, well-spent summer vacation, there is no doubt that everyone is longing for the same day: Surprise Holiday. For those of you who are not aware,...

MasterChef: Groton Faculty Edition

Annie Colloredo-Mansfeld '18, Assistant Features Editor September 13, 2016

From dorm feeds to advisory dinners to class time rewards, teachers cook snacks for students throughout the school year. But a few teachers go above and beyond with regard to the quantity and quality of...

Seniors prepare for the prank

A History of Senior Shenanigans

June 5, 2016

Pranks. Pranks. Pranks. What to do without pranks? A Groton without pranks is like a rainforest without rain, a peanut-butter and jelly without the jelly. Recently, graduates who returned to the Circle...

Henry Bloomfield during the Kiss A Kumiho music video

From Soul Sauce to Seoul

June 5, 2016

There is one question that plagues us all from the ages of five to twenty five: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" For most little kids the answer happens to be an astronaut, ballerina, or rock...

Alexandra Paul’s senior yearbook photo.

From Boarding School to Baywatch

May 13, 2016

Not many Grotonians know that along with FDR ‘00 and Candace Nelson ‘91, one of Groton’s better-known alumni is Alexandra Paul, one of the stars of the original “Baywatch” series. Born in New...

A series of Walker-Jacks’s food Instagrams.

Flapjacks and Followers

Marianne Lu '19 and Karla Sanford '19 May 13, 2016

5,774. This is the number of followers Catherine Walker-Jacks ‘13 has managed to amass in just four months. Driven by her passion for cooking and photography, she decided to start an Instagram account...

The Groton Rugby Association.

Spring FSAs: Training and Translating

Millie Kim '17, Assistant News Editor May 13, 2016

Tackling the Fields: Rugby FSA Groton’s Rugby Team, formed three years ago, has returned to the fields this year with new players—Dowey Tran ‘17, Ben Cardinal ‘18, Sammy Malhotra ’18, Owen...

Richard M. Bissell poses alongside John f. Kennedy

The Blame of Pigs

Jack McLaughlin '17, Assistant Features Editor April 22, 2016

President Obama’s historic trip to Cuba last month marks the latest step in a plan to normalize diplomatic relations with our small island neighbor to the south. What many Groton students and faculty...

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