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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

Is Modern Art Truly Art?

Is Modern Art Truly Art?

Ethan Yan ’27 and Philip Holland ’27 October 29, 2023

You’re in New York City with a friend, waiting for a connecting flight to Los Angeles. It doesn’t depart for a few hours, so both of you decide to check out the Museum of Modern Art. One piece hidden...

Mudge Fellow Cedric Douglas: Public Art with a Public Purpose

Eric Ge ’24 August 14, 2023

A row of vivid red roses lines one side of the de Menil Gallery walls, while six large name tags and a series of monochrome portraits cover another. Street Memorials by Cedric Douglas, this year’s Mudge...

Groton Orchestra at Districts

Liv Ding ’26 August 14, 2023

Doug Miller is a memorable man. He calls himself the “bald old guy” and likes to boast about being able to tie his own bow ties. He retired from teaching music in 2019, just before the pandemic hit. “But...

A Multi-Talented Artist of Mixed Mediums: Amy Ma ’23

Eleanor Taggart ’24 August 14, 2023

Senior Grotonian Amy Ma ’23 has been a noteworthy artist on the Circle since her Second Form year. From creating comic strips for the Circle Voice to writing and illustrating her own book about Australian...

Artist of the Issue: Cam Cunningham ’24

Sheena Bakare ’24 and Michaela Hanson ’24 August 14, 2023

Cam Cunningham ’24 is a photographer with a distinctive eye for capturing the moment of suspense in quiet scenes. While traveling in Costa Rica with his Canon Rebel T7, Cam’s experiences with the people...

Return Back to 1989: Taylor Swift’s Newest Album

Michaela Hanson ’24 August 14, 2023

I was busy on October 11th—busy awaiting the arrival of Taylor Swift’s tenth studio album, Midnights. As a passionate Taylor Swift fan, I expected nothing less than brilliance. However, as I listened...

Sustainability Before Spotlight

Charlotte Jones ’25 and Jessica Lee ’24 August 14, 2023

From September 26th to October 4th, the biannual Paris Fashion Week introduced the fall and winter collection pieces, which proved to be daring, adrift, and even sustainable. Unsurprisingly, the fashion...

Just Worries, Darling

Ava Bridges ’24 August 14, 2023

If you liked WandaVision, Get Out, or The Truman Show, I have an excellent recommendation for you — watch them again, and stay away from Olivia Wilde’s Don’t Worry Darling. Like me, you were probably...

Courtesy of Afrika Gaye 24'

The Scales of Justice: Groton’s 12 Angry Jurors

Daniel Mao, Staff writer December 15, 2022

12 Angry Jurors was written seventy years ago, yet it remains substantially relevant in today’s day and age. At face value, the plot seems relatively straightforward: one juror has doubts that the boy...

Grotonstock is Back and Better Than Ever!

Ava Meyer ’26 June 5, 2022

On Saturday, May 21st Grotonstock made a comeback to the circle. A majority of students and faculty sat on the circle in front of the chapel to enjoy the performances. For some, this was their last...

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