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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

A Case For Manager Preseason

Leo Quigley ’24 and Will Koukopoulos February 1, 2024

Preseason at Groton is a time of connectivity and improvement for teams. With the introduction of a rigorous theater preseason earlier this year, more students than ever have had the chance to hone skills,...

New Senior Prank Reportedly a Large Group Hug

Leo Quigley ’24 and Will Koukopoulos February 1, 2024

The Circle Voice has recently learned from an anonymous Senior Prefect (who also serves as a Diversity and Inclusion Prefect, Admission Prefect, and dual sport captain) that the upcoming Senior Prank will...

Groton to Create Singles Section

Leo Quigley ’24 and Gavin Cronin ’24 February 1, 2024

Have you ever sat down on a couch in the Schoolhouse, only to realize you are now a third wheel? Have you ever been looking for a place to eat in the Dining Hall, but a couple is taking up an entire table...

Admissions Bathrooms Rated Best Place on Campus

Leo Quigley ’24 February 1, 2024

In a recent poll, The Circle Voice found that the most highly rated place on campus was the admissions bathrooms. The technologically advanced bathrooms narrowly beat out the child-themed dungeon beneath...

The Average Groton Student’s Attention Span Is Shorter than That of a Goldfish (and You Probably Won’t Read This Whole Title)

William Laws ’25 August 14, 2023

Around a month ago, I posted up three QR codes around the schoolhouse, each with different prompts to scan. I wanted to practice my hobby in game development while also using the games as a sort of social...

Farewell from the Humor Section

As our dear school managed to part ways with troublesome traditions such as the alienating varsity bonfire, hazing cart pull, destructive twelve to one, rambunctious roll call in the schoolroom, and the...

The Great Groton Exodus

Lucas Li ’23, Humor Editor October 12, 2022

*Disclaimer–not everything in this story is true October sixth, two thousand and twenty two–the day of The Great Groton Exodus. Remember the date.  The grand schoolhouse sat stoic. The polished...

Leo Serodio '25 in a zen state of mind.

HAOTI: Yogi Leo Serodio’s New Horizons

Charlie Weisberg ’23, Humor Editor September 13, 2022

When we all heard that Groton had recruited an elite athlete, we knew the Groton sports program would never be the same. There were whispers around the hallways, in the dorms, and quite often on the boys...

New Clubs Coming to the Circle!

Humor Editors September 1, 2022

Passive Minds: Show up to learn about mental health. Or not, whatever works. Meetings occur whenever good. Fracking Club: Calling all frackers! We want to bring passionate frackers together...

The Groscars 2022

Humor Editors May 28, 2022

We are so excited to have you here for Groton’s 138th annual Groscars ceremony! Today we have some great nominees, all capable of taking home awards tonight. Stay Tuned for a special performance of Jerusalema...

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