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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

Spotlight on Advanced Open Studio Art Class Projects: Blending of Mediums and Borders

Michelle Kim ’23, Arts Assistant Editor March 9, 2021

The Advanced Open Studio art class directed by Ms. Ho and Ms. de Jesus-Akuete has pioneered through Covid-19 protocols by working on cooperative group projects, collaborating with artists distanced by...

Courtesy of Zenande Mdludlu '21.

Art Class Changes for the New School Year

Michelle Kim ’23, Arts Assistant Editor September 13, 2020

Just as the school is working to establish a new norm, the art department is getting creative to tackle the new Covid-19 restrictions.  What were once credited classes, such as jazz ensemble, improvisation,...

Fred Liang posing in front of one of his golden paper and light pieces.

First Chinese Mudge Fellow

Jacinta Lopez ’22 and Aimee Zheng ’23 October 13, 2019

Every winter, an artist is chosen to come and participate in the Old Mudge Fellowship. The artist’s work is displayed in the Brodigan Gallery for around two months and he will come to Groton to work...

Welcoming Mr. Chase Back to the Circle

Welcoming Mr. Chase Back to the Circle

Claire Lee ’20, Assistant Arts Editor November 10, 2018

Groton’s previous interim headmaster Peter Camp, once described Gordon Chase, saying “He looks at the world through Chase coloured glasses, in which there is but one pair.” Classics teacher Andy...

Revamping Visual Arts

Revamping Visual Arts

Charles Wahba ’20 October 19, 2018

This year, the Visual Art Department is seeking more opportunities for students and faculty on the Circle to showcase and appreciate artwork. Groton’s art teachers and prefects have come together to...

An Introduction to Groton Arts

Zoe Park ’21 September 13, 2018

Choir Choir is a way for students and faculty to express their love of singing. Led by music teacher and organist Daniel Moriarty, choir is a full class and performs every Sunday during Chapel. Students...

Weightlifter Brings Inspirational Art to the Circle

Weightlifter Brings Inspirational Art to the Circle

Fran Saldivar ’19 January 19, 2018

Immigrant, weightlifter, artist: Kledia Spiro, this year’s Mudge Fellow, can be described in these three words, but her art and her person transcend these ideas. At an early age, Ms. Spiro immigrated...

Mohamad Hafez brings art to the Circle

Mohamad Hafez brings art to the Circle

Daisy Fey ’18 May 11, 2017

This spring, Syrian artist Mohamad Hafez installed his powerful work around the Circle. Thanks to Beth Van Gelder, Mr. Hafez has been welcomed into our community to tell his story through his work. ...

This winter, students dive into art through FSAs

This winter, students dive into art through FSAs

Daisy Fey ’18, Reporter December 15, 2016

This winter, many students on campus have chosen to substitute a sport for an FSA as their afternoon activity. There are currently many FSAs focusing on art and music, with each student holding a strong...

Silas Finch works with Nico ‘17 on a project during a workshop.

Mudge Fellow Silas Finch brings talent to Groton

Karla Sanford ’19, Reporter December 15, 2016

As Ms. Van Gelder says, Groton’s annual  Mudge Fellow must be someone who “works well with teenagers” and with whom “kids can relate.” Silas Finch certainly embodies these traits through his...

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