Spotlight on Jamie Lamoreaux

Tyler Weisberg ’22

Jamie Lamoreaux coaching Groton Football.

Groton varsity football has recently been on a hot-streak, with big wins over St. George’s School, Middlesex School, and The Roxbury Latin School. Part of the success, of course, emerges from the hard work put in by all of the players, but another important part of success is the coaching. One coach in particular has been vital to the program’s success these past four years: head varsity football and track coach Jamie Lamoreaux, known affectionately as Coach Lam. 

Originally, Coach Lamoreaux declined Athletic Director Bob Low’s offer to become the football coach at Groton so soon after retiring from Ayer High School after 32 years of teaching. But, when he toured the campus and met some of the kids here, he fell in love with what he calls “little Harvard.” 

As a kid, Coach Lamoreaux shined on the athletic field, earning a scholarship to Northeastern to play football. Coincidentally, his first high school football game was against the Zebras, coached at the time by then math teacher Jonathan Choate ’60. After college, he returned to his own high school in Ayer where he became a physical education teacher, football coach, and track coach. 

Assistant Athletic Director Harold Francis noted that Coach Lamoreaux is great at holding students accountable and keeping both the football and track programs flourishing. The main reason his teams are successful is because of the bond Coach Lamoreaux forms with the players. He says it’s the reason he loves coaching. 

Caleb Coleman ’20, varsity football captain, pointed out, “Coach Lam always brings great energy and he always puts me in a good mood at practice. No matter what, he’s always in a good mood.” 

Gil Canca ’21, co-captain of the track team added, “He is always supportive and encouraging. He also always gives everyone high fives.” 

His support triggers improvement. For Papa Baffour-Awuah ’20, track co-captain, said Coach Lamoreaux has helped him “shave off a second in the 100m with practice off the starting block.” 

Mr. Francis remarked that coach “helps kids feel at home. Guys really play for him because they don’t want to let him down.” For him, that’s what the game is all about. It’s why he comes to Groton everyday with that big smile and hand up for a high-five.