A Letter from Your Former Editor

To our community: 

Re the Fiftieth Volume of The Circle Voice, 2019-20:

I write, first and foremost, to congratulate the new Board on their first issue together. I am happy to see familiar and new faces take the reins and I look forward to reading more of The Circle Voice. I’m so excited for you.

Just as importantly: thank you, dear readers. You are the stars of our stories and the reasons we create at all. The Circle Voice will continue to strive to be your forum, your advocate, your voice. 

On that note, I have a favor to ask of you: write for The Circle Voice. Write for you and your community. Take charge of the change you want to see. You can make The Circle Voice better. The beautiful thing about this paper is that the door is wide open. It’s not easy to walk through, but you can, and that’s all that matters. So walk through. Bring your ideas, your voices, and your grit. The paper will love to have you. We need to hear you; that’s why we’re here.

Lastly, I write to thank the 2019-20 Board and staff for all the work they have done. I am forever grateful for what you have taught me, namely perspective, where commas go, and how to stand for what this community believes in. I am far from perfect, but I do know that I have given this paper my all. When I start at the bottom of the totem pole again at The Crimson, I will take with me all the lessons and laughs that this paper has gifted me. I have loved (with the exception of frantically looking for the December issue and not finding it) every second of it.

It has been an honor.

Cara Chang ’20

Snowmass, C.O.