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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

Courtesy of Amy Ma '23.

Fighting for Sustainability at Groton

Amy Ma ’23, News Assistant Editor February 8, 2021

The Sustainability Committee, founded in 2018, targets environmental issues which have become increasingly prominent and urgent on our campus. Unfortunately, aesthetics, limited control, and recent Covid-19...

Courtesy of Amelia Lee '22

D&I: What Next?

Amelia Lee ’22 November 4, 2020

From the Coronavirus outbreak to the Black Lives Matter protests, we have witnessed a drastic and rapid change in the political and social climate of the United States. The upcoming U.S. presidential election...

Courtesy of Noemi Iwasaki '22

Remote Learner Check-In

Emily Li ’22 and Eric Ge ’24 November 4, 2020

With two more weeks of school remaining,  a lot has occurred for both students on the Circle, as well as students in remote learning. The recent hybrid teaching model has been a unique experience for...

Synchronous Classes: When Less is More

Zoe Colloredo-Mansfeld ’21, Editor in Chief May 31, 2020

When Mr. Anderson dedicated his chapel talk to the interesting history of time zones across the world, nobody seated in the chapel that morning could have predicted that those very time zones would come...

Courtesy of E. Wolfram '23

Students Against COVID-19

Stanislas Robert ’22 April 28, 2020

During this pandemic, Elizabeth Wolfram ’23 is wondering how her time in quarantine can be made more meaningful for her and her community: “I feel much more at ease knowing that I am doing something...

H. Wise for the Circle Voice

The Virtual Pulpit

Joon Whang ’23, Staff Writer April 28, 2020

Just as teachers have done their best to adapt to virtual classrooms, Reverend Gil Birney is striving to preserve a centerpiece of Groton's community: Chapel. This also means that Chapel Talks, milestones...

The Chamber Orchestra performing in Sevillia, Spain on last summer's musical global education opportunity (GEO). This year, unfortunately, all GEOs have been postponed or cancelled.

Update: How COVID-19 Is Affecting the Circle

Evan Cheigh ’22, Assistant News Editor March 8, 2020

Citing an “abundance of caution,” the Global Education Opportunities (GEO) program is rescheduling trips due to the surge of COVID-19. Headmaster Temba Maqubela and Groton School Physician Sophie...

From left to right: Cam Nguyen '22, Emily Perez '22, Julia Trowbridge '22, Emily Li '22, Kaylie Keegan '21, Tatum Pike '20, Erin Dollard '20, Steven Pang '22.

Mock Trial Advances to “Elite 8”

Tyler Weisberg ’22, Page Editor March 7, 2020

Groton’s Mock Trial team, founded and coached this year by new Physics fellow Andrew Evans, will compete at the Massachusetts state tournament later this month. The team is one of 32 teams to make it...

Inside Look into the Speakers’ Committee

Annabel Kocks ’20, Assistant News Editor February 12, 2020

The Groton community welcomes speakers for one circle talk each term, Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day, and Global Education Day. For each occasion, speakers typically are selected by either the Speakers'...

Groton’s tuition increased rapidly from the 1980s to present day. The black dots represent the four years of tuition freeze under GRAIN.

GRAIN: Making the Groton Education Accessible

Addison Hyde ’21 February 12, 2020

In the 2014-15 school year, Groton’s tuition ranked the most expensive among 40 peer schools. Now, Groton’s tuition is ranked 39 out of the same 40 due to GRAIN, the Groton Affordability and Inclusion...

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