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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

Alumnus of the Issue: Congressman Jim Cooper

Alumnus of the Issue: Congressman Jim Cooper

Stanislas Robert, Assistant Features Editor November 3, 2020

  “As your representative in Congress, it’s my job to make sure your voice is heard.” These are the words of Congressman Jim Cooper, an alumnus of Groton’s class of 1972 and father of Hayes...

Map that shows the old hockey rink and the tree house.

The Hidden History of Groton

Sophia-Nicole Bay ’23, Staff Writer November 3, 2020

What locations on campus shape our community? Sixty years ago, students might’ve answered the treehouse, while Groton students during the 1920s might’ve said Lake Romeyn. Yet, many of us are unaware...

The Under-Evaluated Dilemma: Remote Learning at Groton

The Under-Evaluated Dilemma: Remote Learning at Groton

Elbereth Chen ’21, Staff Writer November 3, 2020

While many students returned to campus for the new school year, remote learners from all around the world are still struggling with challenges—both social and academic—previously experienced by all...

Artist of the Issue: Caroline Drapeau

Artist of the Issue: Caroline Drapeau

Michelle Kim ’23, Assistant Arts Editor November 3, 2020

  She struts onto the stage, hot pink miniskirt glaring against the spotlight as high-heels click rhythmically. She sets down her tote, and a small dog playfully jumps out and skitters around her....

The 4-2 Program

Jack Ehrgott ’22 November 3, 2020

To the dismay of many Groton students, the loss of the 2020 spring sports season was yet another effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. To compensate for this loss, the school created the 4-2 program: a system...

Roger Goodell, Courtesy of Creative Commons

Roger Goodell: Sports’ Worst Commissioner

Henry Haskell ’23 November 3, 2020

Roger Goodell, the commissioner of the National Football League, is under heat once again. With two teams plagued by Covid-19, the NFL is beginning to fall apart, and all fingers point to Goodell. Compared...

Courtesy of Creative Commons

Why Groton Needs a Track

Andrew Johnson ’22 November 3, 2020

One of the most exciting things during the day for lots of Groton students is putting down their books and heading to the athletic center. Well, in the case of Track and Field athletes, it’s heading...

Selah Barrett '21, Courtesy of Selah Barrett

AOTI: Selah Barrett

Eleanor Taggart ’24, Staff Writer November 3, 2020

Since she was a little kid, Selah Barrett ‘21 has loved soccer. Coming in as a new 5th former, she quickly found her spot as a strong contributor to the Girls Varsity Soccer team and is now deep into...

Drew Brees, Courtesy of Creative Commons

Drew Brees and Kneeling

Joon Whang ’23, Sports Assistant Editor November 3, 2020

In light of the death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests, a resurgence in the fight for racial justice and equality has emerged. The once controversial act of kneeling to the national...

Julia Spada '24, Courtesy of Olivia Dillon '21.

Lower School Athletes To Watch

Julie Xie ’23 November 3, 2020

Soccer: Julia Spada ’24 Groton Girls Soccer welcomes a new member onto its team: Julia Spada ’24. Julia has played soccer for most of her life, and currently plays center-back and holding midfield...

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