Helpful or just awkward: Date Night Taxi


Why does Groton foster unhealthy relationships? Various theories include the hookup culture, the teacher practice of roaming, and the fact that there is so little free time here to spend quality time with your significant other. But the resounding reason I’ve heard at various discussion groups is that it’s because of our small size. It’s hard to date at Groton because everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everyone’s business. However, this school year, Mr. Leroy and Ms. Dumont have fashioned a new service that minimizes this fundamental truth about Groton: Date Night Taxi.

In terms of fostering healthy relationships, Date Night Taxi is the best thing this campus has seen since sliced bread, but couples or soon-to-be couples don’t seem to be taking advantage of the service. I’ve been on the trip twice so far, one time on the first weekend it ran, and both times I’ve encounteredlarge groups of girlfriends. I, of course, met those friends with my own group of girlfriends. I talked to couple Brit Hyde ’19 and Michael Xiao ‘18 about this phenomenon. When asked if they would use Date Night Taxi to go on a date, they immediately said no. “It’s just weird to be in a car with a teacher,” said Michael. When asked if they would prefer to go to Movie/Mall, however, there was another problem. “It is less of a date,” said Brit. “It may be awkward to be going on a date while your friends are sitting five chairs down from you.” Fair point. But even still, Movie/Mall provides a place to just be with your significant other in the real world, without any pressure to hook up.

Date night taxi lessens this pressure. You basically have a secret pact with Mr. Leroy and whichever teacher is driving you. “Similar to intervis changes this year, we want to give you guys as many options as possible to have times where you can be private with a partner,” said Mr. Leroy. “A student will email me with the details of their trip (departure time, location, etc.) and how many people are going with them.” That’s it. He doesn’t ask if the two people going are cuffed. Furthermore, the taxi doesn’t start until 5 PM, which here at Groton is nighttime, so you don’t have to run the risk of nosy peers catching you on a date in broad daylight!

As Mr. Belsky said, “If you are interested in getting to know someone else romantically, saying that the institution gets in the way is an excuse.” Date night taxi not only provides a confidential way to spend time with a significant other (or just a crush because in real life,people date before getting cuffed), but also it provides a more romantic, intimate setting than the mall food court. I understand if going on a candlelit dinner date is just not your thing, but students can’t complain about our terrible dating/hookup culture if we’re not taking advantage of all the opportunities to improve it at our disposal.