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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

A street destroyed by a bomb. Courtesy of Andrew Nelles.

The Blind Eye that Devastated Nashville

Brendan Pelikh '22, Opinions Assistant Editor February 8, 2021

When one thinks of the FBI, the nation’s most highly trained security professionals with innovative crime-stopping technology and techniques come to mind. However, both the Nashville Police Department...

Courtesy of Jessica McGowan.

Georgia Runoffs

Joon Whang '23, Opinions Assistant Editor February 8, 2021

The November 2020 elections were arguably some of the most impactful in modern American political history, ushering a new administration into the Oval Office and securing various Congressional seats for...

Courtesy of Amy Ma '23.

The Pursuit of Classics is a Sine Qua Non (“essential condition”) of a Groton Education

Evan Cheigh '22, Opinions Editor February 8, 2021

What do Mark Zuckerberg, J.K. Rowling, Boris Johnson, and Drew Brees share in common? This seemingly motley crew of individuals who have achieved the highest success in their respective fields is unified...

Courtesy of Zenande Mdludlu '21.

Trump is the Puppeteer, but the People are the Problem

Alisa Gulyansky '24, Opinions Assistant Editor February 8, 2021

Following the violent siege of the Capitol, then President-Elect Biden stated in a speech condemning the incident that, “The scenes of chaos do not reflect the true America.” But unfortunately, they...

Courtesy of Zenande Mdludlu '21.

Intelligent Sacrifice of Privacy

Jack Wang '22, Opinions Assistant Editor February 8, 2021

Covid-19 has shown the best and worst of government systems as they attempt to strike a delicate balance between order and freedom. The use of big data— specifically, the triumph of China’s national...

Carnegie Hall connotes accomplishment and brillance, but not all musicians who make their “Carnegie Debut” get there purely on merit.

How to Get to Carnegie Hall

Allison Jiang, Assistant Arts Editor December 20, 2020

It’s a classic New Yorker joke: on the intersection of 57th Street and Seventh Avenue of New York City, a man asks a passerby for directions. He asks, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” Upon closer...

Courtesy of Noemi Iwasaki '22

Zoomers and Essential Workers: An Ethically and Strategically Flawed Approach to Battling Covid-19

Elizabeth Wolfram '23, Staff Writer December 15, 2020

A middle-aged man drips with sweat as he picks up the package he’s delivering. The combination of his mask, his asthma, and the late-spring heat makes it hard for him to breathe. He places the box on...

Courtesy of Amy Ma '23

How We Should Survive Winter

Zoe Colloredo-Mansfeld '21, Editor-In-Chief December 15, 2020

“The next three months are going to be just horrible.” This was the advice of Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health when interviewed by the New York Times about what...

Courtesy of Angela Wei '21

Saturday Classes During Covid-19

Joon Whang '23, Staff Writer December 14, 2020

In a period of uneasiness and uncertainty, an adherence to past tradition and an attempt to preserve the fundamental pillars of the Groton community is commendable. The continuation of chapel services,...

Courtesy of Hannah Wise '21

myGroton “Progress” Should Always Show Progress

Jiacheng Kang '22, Assistant Opinions Editor December 14, 2020

It’s winter term, and you have two majors the next day — both of which are bound to play a significant role in your overall term grade. You don’t feel prepared for either. Which one should you spend...

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