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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

It’s Not My Job to be Your Conscience

Ayanda Tambo '19 October 6, 2017

More and more people, especially this generation’s youth, are becoming socially conscious – “woke,” to use a common term. Often this is done by willfully educating oneself about the different issues...

Locked Up: Why We Shouldn't Lock Classrooms

Locked Up: Why We Shouldn’t Lock Classrooms

Andrew Rasetti '18 October 6, 2017

I’d guess that most of the student body has had a similar experience with classrooms in the Schoolhouse: you try to go study only to find your desired room locked at an obscenely early hour. Groton’s...

In Defense of Antifa

Max Klien '18 October 6, 2017

After Charlottesville, I was greatly surprised by the reaction to Trump’s comments. Liberals widely took offense at his statement that blame for the violence belonged to “both sides.” Bill Maher,...

The Great Weight Room Debate, Revisted

The Great Weight Room Debate, Revisted

Jack Wilmerding '19 October 6, 2017

Over the past few years at Groton, there’s been a lot of controversy about our weight room. For the most part, this talk has concerned feelings of judgement or intimidating in the gym. While the issue...

The Case for an End to the Résumé Arms Race

The Case for an End to the Résumé Arms Race

Andrew Rasetti '18 September 11, 2017

So, how many of you did something this summer because you thought it would look good on your college applications? Unanimous show of hands? I thought so. In applying for colleges, students are often...

How to Have a Better Summer: Don’t Volunteer

Julia Kendall '19 September 11, 2017

As summer rolls around, an influx of well-meaning teenagers takes off to whatever Third World country is in vogue this year to volunteer. The students usually stay for two or three weeks, and often work...

Six Strikes, You're In! (For the Rest of the Year)

Six Strikes, You’re In! (For the Rest of the Year)

Andrew Rasetti June 2, 2017

It is a universally-recognized truth that seniors will not work as hard in their spring term. The School, however, does not want seniors to lose their drive in their final days on campus. In order to combat...

All Gender Dorms: Tolerant or Too Far

All Gender Dorms: Tolerant or Too Far

Nina Norton '18 June 2, 2017

Phillips Academy Andover and Phillips Exeter Academy, two boarding schools similar to Groton, plan to introduce all-gender dorms in the next school year. Each of these dorms will house around twenty students,...

An APpalling Waste: How AP exams lost their way

An APpalling Waste: How AP exams lost their way

Charlie Vrattos '18, Columnist May 11, 2017

As the spring term approaches its end, fifth formers face a major obstacle between them and summer break: APs. These dreaded “advanced placement” courses are the bane of any fifth former’s existence...

Gains: Obinna Nwakoro ‘21 works on his pecs.

Hitting the iron ceiling: the weight room and gender

Nina Norton '18, Columnist May 11, 2017

Here at Groton we pride ourselves on two things: our diversity, and our inclusivity. We care about those two things so much that at least twice a year we have a day devoted entirely to them. And yet, you...

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