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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

Courtesy of Amy Ma '23.

Sustainable Investing: The Path Forward

Amy Ma ’23 November 4, 2020

From solar panels to the Waste Not Initiative, Groton students have led many environmental initiatives on campus. Over the past few months, the Sustainability Committee heads have been meeting with the...

Courtesy of Noemi Iwasaki '22

Remote Learner Check-In

Emily Li ’22 and Eric Ge ’24 November 4, 2020

With two more weeks of school remaining,  a lot has occurred for both students on the Circle, as well as students in remote learning. The recent hybrid teaching model has been a unique experience for...

Courtesy of Julia Lin '22

Ambiguous Math Problem: The Results

Tyler ’22 November 4, 2020

About a year ago, a simple math question took the internet by storm, dividing the r/CasualMath SubReddit in half. Just for fun, the Circle Voice wanted to see what the general consensus was at Groton....

Who Are Groton’s New Trustees?

Maya Gite ’22 November 4, 2020

Ellen Boiselle '85 What does your background look like? What is your connection to Groton School?  I entered Groton in 1981 as a third former. The education I received — inside and outside the...

Courtesy of Julia Lin '22

It’s The Economy, Stupid

Harry Liao ’21 November 4, 2020

On May 5th, 2020, conflicts occurred near the Chinese-Indian border, with the most serious fight resulting in 20 Indian casualties and an unconfirmed number of Chinese losses. Following a sudden rise of...

Courtesy of Angela Wei '21

Groton’s Quarantine Playlist

Allison Jiang ’22, Arts Editor November 4, 2020

During a time when lifestyles and daily habits are constantly shifting, pressing play and jamming out to your favorite song remains the same exhilarating experience. Earlier this month, the Circle Voice...

Spotlight on Campus Arts

Jasmine Powell ’24, Staff Writer November 4, 2020

You hear the shutter of a camera as you pass the Schoolhouse and peer through the door as another flash of light flickers out of a camera. A group of art students photograph the scene of students sitting...

Courtesy of Chioma Illozor

Groton’s Own Billie Eilish: Update with Ai Bendr

Christina Chen ’23, Assistant Arts Editor November 4, 2020

Her hauntingly beautiful voice; her impeccable musical style; her unforgettable stage name: Ai Bendr, a version of her two middle names Ai and Bendors. (“Ai” means love in Chinese, and Bendors is a...

Courtesy of Jamal Jackson

Groton School Dance Series

Zola Sayers-Fay ’22, Staff Writer November 4, 2020

This fall, Groton's dance program returned more robust than ever, energized by the new leadership of Math Fellow Mx. Zara Williams-Nicholas. While at Swarthmore College, Mx. Williams earned a double major...

Courtesy of Amy Ma '23

The Conflation of Politics and Entertainment

Alisa Gulyansky ’24, Online Columnist November 3, 2020

Had you stumbled onto the stage at certain moments of the 2020 Democratic National Convention, you could easily have mistaken it for a Billie Eilish concert. However, despite the convention’s theatrical...

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