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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

To Debate or Not to Debate?

To Debate or Not to Debate?

Daniel Mao ’26 December 22, 2024

Millions of Americans watched the debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in June. Most left sorely disappointed in Biden’s incoherence or in Trump’s baldfaced lies.  The...

Courtesy of Creative Commons

The Timeless Wisdom of Classical Studies

Samuel Lu ’27 December 22, 2024

There was once a generation of Renaissance scholars who believed in literature. Not people who mindlessly read, processed, analyzed, and sold literature, no—these were people who truly believed in literature....

An Open Door on the Circle: The Revised Peer Counselor Program

Nikhil Luthra ’27 December 22, 2024

Fresh starts are always challenging, especially at a boarding school. Homesickness and nerves about school work, tests, athletic events, and friends are emotions many of us experience. And for these seemingly...

Chronicles of the Circle

Chronicles of the Circle

Aisling Kennedy ’27 and Rowan Trevino ’27 December 22, 2024

Groton School, the institution many of us know and love, has not always looked or operated the way it does today. Since its founding in 1884, the school has renovated the Forum, relocated the Schoolroom,...

The First Steps: Lower Schoolers Adjust to Life at Groton

The First Steps: Lower Schoolers Adjust to Life at Groton

Samhita Bandaru ’28 December 22, 2024

As first-time boarding students, Second and Third Formers are introduced to many new people, new customs, and a new lifestyle. Luckily, Groton makes this transition flow smoothly for everybody and creates...

Courtesy of Mark Melchior

Politics on the Circle: Groton’s Town Hall

Leah Bay ’27 and David Yu ’28 December 22, 2024

The democratic system of the United States relies on partisan conflict to provide voters with a sense of identity and choice. While the two-party system can unite people towards a common purpose, it is...

“Pay Your Fair Share”: Groton Group Plans Protest at Parents Weekend

“Pay Your Fair Share”: Groton Group Plans Protest at Parents Weekend

While driving around the Town of Groton, you may catch sight of signs skewered on the side of the road, bearing the slogan “Pay Your Fair Share” in all caps above the logos of Groton School and Lawrence...

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