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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

Deconstructed pasta, a hipster favorite.


May 13, 2016

Judging by how much we all make fun of Langa Chinyoka’s '17 mason jars (out of which she dares to eat brownies), I would have expected her to give it up at some point, but there she goes, either scooping...

Modern Day McCarthyism

Zizi Kendall '17, Assistant Opinions Editor May 13, 2016

“I am going to fix the US economy!” said every Republican ever. A large aspect of this classic Republican campaign piece is dependent on government spending, a method which in reality does next...

Left behind in the wake of terrorist attacks.


Christopher Ye '17, Assistant Opinions Editor April 22, 2016

On the morning of Tuesday, March 22, travelers flocked out of the Brussels Airport in panic and disarray as smoke trailed behind them. Two suicide bombers had detonated at the airport, killing at least...

An Apple store.

Security or Liberty?

Aly Manjee '18 April 22, 2016

With the battle between the FBI and Apple finally over, we look back at it and realize that along with the battle in the courts between the two parties, with the former demanding that the tech giant unlock...

An Open Letter to My Third Form Self

Hanna Kim '17, Assistant Opinions Editor April 22, 2016

Dear Third Form Hanna, Hello, little insignificant Third Form Hanna. I hate to break it to you, but you are going to look back on yourself a couple of years from now and shudder in embarrassment. Everything...

Dr. Bennet Omalu

Curing Democracy’s Headache

Rand Hough '17, Assistant Opinions Editor April 22, 2016

A few months ago, I saw the trailer for a movie called Concussion. It is about the NFL scandal (circa 2007) over the effects of frequent and forceful blows to the head. Will Smith portrays Dr. Bennet Omalu,...

The anonymous letter appeared on the walls of the Schoolhouse.

Dear Groton

Christopher Ye '17, Assistant Opinions Editor February 9, 2016

“If we can be more mindful, more honest, and more empathetic as a community for just a single day, then We’d consider this message a success.” On the morning of January 12th, students and faculty...

It’s Okay Not To Be Happy

It’s Okay Not To Be Happy

Hanna Kim '17, Assistant Opinions Editor February 9, 2016

Please feel free to peel your smile from your mouth and rub the sleep back into your eyes for a little while. You don’t need to cry into your pillow every night or listen to “Marvin’s Room” alone...

The Conservative Case for Bernie Sanders

Rand Hough '17, Assistant Opinions Editor February 9, 2016

“All accumulation, therefore, of personal property, beyond what a man’s own hands produce, is derived to him by living in society; and he owes on every principle of justice, of gratitude, and of civilization,...

The Gift of Kindness

The Gift of Kindness

October 31, 2015

I think kindness is one of the best qualities to find in someone. I don’t mean the selfish and hollow kind of kindness, nor the type of kindness that is only displayed to certain people, but the kindness...

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