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The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

The Student Newspaper of Groton School

The Circle Voice

Trump’s Shot at Reelection

Trump’s Shot at Reelection

Brooks Anderson '20, Columnist December 20, 2019

Donald Trump will likely be re-elected in 2020. The economy is strong, the Democratic candidates are weak, and impeachment is a colossal liability. That’s not even to mention the fierce popularity Trump...

Gerald Bostock addressing a crowd of news reporters.

Civil Rights For The LGBTQ Community

Leah Pothel '21, Assistant Opinions Editor October 13, 2019

In 2013, Gerald Bostock was fired for “conduct unbecoming” after he joined a predominantly gay softball league that was created as a safe space for the LGBTQ community in Atlanta. Bostock had worked...

Piracy of Privacy: FBI Subpoenas

Piracy of Privacy: FBI Subpoenas

Llocxi Lopez '21 October 13, 2019

Not long ago, times were simpler –– at least technologically. Personal information was kept in cards, logs, and fiche film, and digital privacy laws were weak or nonexistent. However, in this new digital...

Protecting British Democracy: Boris Johnson Should Resign

Protecting British Democracy: Boris Johnson Should Resign

Jared Gura '22 and Jiacheng Kang ’22 October 13, 2019

On September 24, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom unanimously ruled that Prime Minister (PM) Boris Johnson’s suspension of Parliament was unlawful and an obstruction of democracy. The intervention...

Destruction of the Presidency: Anderson’s Authority

Brooks Anderson '20 October 13, 2019

It is an impressive feat to fully extinguish all the prestige and tradition of an office, especially such a vaunted one as the presidency, in only three years. Most presidents attempt to rollback or alter...

Destruction of the Presidency: Garett’s Gospel

Garrett Johnson '20 October 13, 2019

The greatest myth of the presidency is that the ethical code of the office’s occupant must match the respect the nation owes to the office itself. The office of the president is a symbol of democracy,...

Senator Bernie Sanders at a rally.

Feel the Bern: Why Sanders is “Most Electable”

Anuj Agarwal '21 September 24, 2019

Many Democratic voters nowadays are concerned with electability. According to August polls conducted by The Economist and YouGov, Democratic voters would rather vote for a candidate who would beat Trump...

A Constitutional Reg Flag

A Constitutional Reg Flag

Brooks Anderson '20, Columnist September 21, 2019

It has become clear to the vast majority of Americans that “thoughts and prayers” are no longer enough. In the wake of the Parkland shooting, there have been numerous calls for legislative action to...

Erosion of Democracy

Erosion of Democracy

Jack Wilmerding '19, Assistant Opinions Editor February 5, 2019

A recent Groton alumnus, Victor Liu ’17, is currently forbidden from leaving China, with no charges against him. The Chinese authorities are after his father, Liu Changming, an alleged $1.4 billion fraudster...

Students filing into Chapel.

Should We Livestream Chapel?

Lars Caspersen '19, Humor Editor February 5, 2019

Aren’t you tired of waiting in line to get in to chapel? I sure am. So I decided that I might improve upon the engineering class’s best efforts to reduce this wait. To streamline logistics Groton needs...

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