It seemed like a dream; Groton woke up to plush, white snow crowning the horizon. The trees were dusted with fine white sugar, which playfully dusted upon students strolling by. The Schoolhouse seemed straight out of a Christmas movie, its roof nestled cozily under a thick blanket of snow. Girls Varsity Lacrosse constructed snowmen on a field, which stood proudly as the radiant sun trickled across the sky. But it wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t even winter; It was April fourth. Skeptics of climate change use moments like these to “prove” that the Earth isn’t warming. They say that the world can’t be warming; It’s cold enough to snow in April! However, this April shower shows exactly the opposite; it demonstrates how real climate change is. Of all places on Earth, Antarctica has been most affected by Global Warming. Its once frigid air is heating up, and therefore, experiencing thermal expansion. When this air expands, it pushes out the remaining cold air from the Antarctic, displacing it down South. Groton’s weather is usually decided by the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current originating in the Gulf of Mexico, which blows warm air up the East coast. This immigrating Antarctic air interrupts the Gulf Stream’s winds, landing in North America. April showers turn to April blizzards. Despite how it may seem, these late snowfalls demonstrate the very real and prominent change that global warming is having on our Earth.
Chilling Realities: A Discussion of April Snowfall in Relation to Climate Change
Olivia Hegyi ’27
April 21, 2024